"Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs" book by Carmine Gallo summary

                            Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs 

                                        Steve Jobs (presenting iphone)

        First of all presentation is a skill you can learn that and this book teaches you those skill with practical examples.

1) You should first create the movie like story, the plot for selling your ideas.

The three step approach for this is :
writing - sketching - producing

2) Deliver the experience of your product to attract audience.

3)Make your presentations sound natura and conversational.

1) Create a good headline for your product like Steve Jobs said, "Today apple reinvents the phone".
2) Successful speakers must have passion for their product.
3) There should be three key messages that your audience wants to listen.
4) Use metaphors and analogies for describing your product.
5) Use customer evidences and third party endorsements to make your audience believe in your product.
6) Your audience should appeal all types of learners that is visual, auditory and kinesthetic ( the people like to touch and feel )
7) Answer the important question that is, "Why should they care ?"

1) Find your core purpose behind the product. One you find it express it enthusiastically.
2) Create twitter like headline for your product i.e. 140 character or less.
3) That headlines should be specific, memorable and that can fit in a tweet.
4) Introduce the villain i.e. spend some time and descibe the problem.
5) Then after revealing the villain reveal the conquering hero who will solve that problem.
6) In Steve Jobs's case the hero's mission was to make our lives better.
7) Obey the ten minute rule, after ten minutes give your audience a break.
8) Keep your presentations simple.
9) Simplicity is the one of the most important concepts in all Apple designs.
10) Use amazingly "zippy words".
Jobs's words are conversational and simple. He doesn't use  jargon language that is language related to specific industry. These words are meaningless and empty. 

The words Jobs chooses to announce a new product have 3 characteristics :
simple, concrete and emotional.

Some more references for you to read more about presentations of Steve Jobs : 

